General Education Requirements Transfer Agreement (GERTA) | Williston State College

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General Education Requirements Transfer Agreement (GERTA)

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General Education Requirements Transfer Agreement (GERTA)

The following are all GERTA approved general education courses for 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载. Please pay special attention to the program of study these courses may be applied to as requirements differ among programs and degrees.

The NDUS developed GERTA to assist students who transfer within the NDUS. This agreement states that students who transfer to an NDUS institution after completing their general education course work at any other NDUS institution will be deemed to have met all lower division general education requirements at the transfer school. This agreement also states that if not all general education requirements have been completed before transferring, all general education courses will be applied to the general education requirements at any other NDUS institution. Please contact the Registrar to obtain a GERTA completion certificate form.

ENGL 110 | College Composition I | 3 credits
ENGL 120 | College Composition II | 3 credits
ENGL 125 | Introduction to Professional Writing | 3 credits

COMM 110 | Fundamentals of Public Speaking | 3 credits

ART 120 | Painting I | 3 credits
ART 122 | Two-dimensional Design | 3 credits
ART 124 | Three-dimensional Design | 3 credits
ART 130 | Drawing I | 3 credits
ART 230 | Drawing II | 3 credits
MUSC 117 | Concert Choir | 1 credit
MUSC 145 | Applied Music | 1 credit
MUSC 155 | Vocal Jazz Ensemble | 1 credit

ART 110 | Introduction to the Visual Arts | 3 credits
ART 210 | Art History I | 3 credits
ART 211 | Art History II | 3 credits
COMM 211 | Oral Interpretation | 3 credits
ENGL 211 | Introduction to Creative Writing | 3 credits
ENGL 220 | Introduction to Literature | 3 credits
ENGL 222 | Introduction to Poetry | 3 credits
ENGL 224 | Introduction to Fiction | 3 credits
ENGL 225 | Introduction to Film | 3 credits
ENGL 238 | Children’s Literature | 3 credits
ENGL 261 | American Literature I | 3 credits
ENGL 262 | American Literature II | 3 credits
ENGL 265 | Native American Literature | 3 credits
FREN 101 | First Year French I | 4 credits
FREN 102 | First Year French II | 4 credits
FREN 201 | Second Year French I | 4 credits
HUMS 210 | Integrated Cultural Studies | 2-3 credits
HUMS 211 | Integrated Cultural Studies Excursion | 1 credit
MUSC 100 | Music Appreciation | 3 credits
MUSC 101 | Fundamentals of Music 3| 3 credits
MUSC 108 | Roots of American Popular Music | 3 credits
PHIL 101 | Introduction to Philosophy | 3 credits
PHIL 210 | Ethics | 3 credits
PHIL 215 | Contemporary Moral Issues | 3 credits
RELS 120 | Religion in America | 3 credits
RELS 203 | World Religions | 3 credits
RELS 220 | Old Testament | 3 credits
RELS 230 | New Testament | 3 credits
SPAN 101 | First Year Spanish I | 4 credits
SPAN 102 | First Year Spanish II | 4 credits
SPAN 201 | Second Year Spanish I | 4 credits
SPAN 202 | Second Year Spanish II | 4 credits

HIST 101 | Western Civilization I | 3 credits
HIST 102 | Western Civilization II | 3 credits
HIST 103 | United States to 1877 | 3 credits
HIST 104 | United States Since 1877 | 3 credits
HIST 220 | North Dakota History | 3 credits
HIST 223 | Hist of the Lewis & Clark Expedition | 3 credits
HIST 257 | The Cold War 3 | 3 credits

MATH 103 | College Algebra | 3 credits
MATH 105 | Trigonometry | 2 credits
MATH 107 | Pre-Calculus | 4 credits
MATH 146 | Applied Calculus I | 3 credits
MATH 165 | Calculus I | 4 credits
MATH 166 | Calculus II | 4 credits
MATH 210 | Elementary Statistics | 3 credits

ATSC 110 | Meteorology I L/L | 4 credits
BIOL 111 | Concepts of Biology L/L | 4 credits
BIOL 115 | Concepts of Anatomy & Phys L/L | 4 credits
BIOL 150 | General Biology I L/L | 4 credits
BIOL 151 | General Biology II L/L | 4 credits
BIOL 220 | Anatomy & Physiology I L/L | 4 credits
BIOL 221 | Anatomy & Physiology II L/L | 4 credits
CHEM 112 | Intro to Forensic Science L/L | 4 credits
CHEM 115 | Introductory Chemistry L/L | 4 credits
CHEM 116 | Intro to Organic & Biochemistry L/L | 4 credits
CHEM 121 | General Chemistry I L/L | 5 credits
CHEM 122 | General Chemistry II L/L | 5 credits
GEOL 105 | Physical Geology L/L | 4 credits
PHYS 110 | Introductory Astronomy L/L | 4 credits
PHYS 211 | College Physics I L/L | 4 credits
PHYS 212 | College Physics II L/L | 4 credits
PHYS 251 | University Physics I L/L | 5 credits
PHYS 252 | University Physics II L/L | 5 credits

CJ 201 | Introduction to Criminal Justice | 3 credits
COMM 216 | Intercultural Communication | 3 credits
ECON 105 | Elements of Economics | 3 credits
ECON 201 | Principles of Microeconomics | 3 credits
ECON 202 | Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 credits
POLS 115 | American Government | 3 credits
POLS 116 | State & Local Government | 3 credits
PSYC 111 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 credits
PSYC 250 | Developmental Psychology | 3 credits
PSYC 270 | Abnormal Psychology | 3 credits
SOC 110 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 credits
SOC 115 | Social Problems | 3 credits
SOC 220 | Familly | 3 credits
SOC 235 | Cultural Diversity | 3 credits

CSCI 101 | Introduction to Computers | 3 credits
CSCI 122 | Beginning Basic/Visual Basic | 3 credits
CSCI 160 | Computer Science I | 4 credits
CSCI 161 | Computer Science II | 4 credits
CSCI 289 | Social Implications of Comp Tech | 2 credits

ASTR 110 | Introductory Astronomy | 3 credits
BIOL 115 | Human Structure & Function | 3 credits
BIOL 124 | Environmental Science | 3 credits
BIOL 230 | Ecology | 3 credits

Campus Approved Wellness Requirements

For all degrees, 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 has a wellness requirement. The following courses maybe used to fulfill this wellness graduation requirement.

HPER 100 |  Concepts of Fitness & Wellness | 2 credits
HPER 101 | Activity: Introductory Level | 1 credit
HPER 102 | Activity: Intermediate Level | 0.5-1 credit
HPER 103 | Activity: Advanced Level | 0.5-1 credit
HPER 126 | Lifetime Fitness | 2 credits
HPER 210 | First Aid & CPR | 1 credit
HPER 217 | Personal & Community Health | 3 credits
NUTR 222 | Contemporary Nutrition | 3 credits

Campus Approved-General Education (Applicable Toward CTE Programs of Study)

Consisting of general education courses (other than GERTA approved courses) that have been approved for use in CTE programs by 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 and are applicable toward CTE programs of study, applying to General Education Requirements for the AAS, Diploma, and Certificate only.

COMM 212 | Interpersonal Communication | 3 credits
COMM 217 | Organizational Communication | 3 credits

BADM 251 | Personal Finance | 3 credits
BOTE 188 | Computerized Accounting | 2 credits
BOTE 218 | Desktop Publishing | 2 credits
BOTE 247 | Spreadsheet Applications | 3 credits
BOTE 299 | Special Topics | 1-6 credits
BUSN 120 | Fundamentals of Business | 3 credits
CIS 105 | Microcomputer Spreadsheet-Excel | 2 credits
CIS 130 | Presentations 2 CIS 164 Networking Fundamentals I | 3 credits
CIS 165 | Networking Fundamentals II | 3 credits
CIS 180 | Creating Web Pages | 2 credits

ART 299 | Special Topics in Art | 1-3 credits
ENGL 299 | Special Topics in English | 1-3 credits
HIST 299 | Special Topics in History | 1-3 credits
HUMS 299 | Special Topics in Humanities | 1-4 credits

For Terminal Degrees/Certificates (leading directly to employment with no plan to transfer to another college/university for further study) – Campus approved general education courses and/or GERTA approved general education courses may be used to fulfill AAS degree and certificate requirements.

For Transfer Degrees (leading to a transfer pathway at another college/ university after graduation from 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 with the intent of pursuing a baccalaureate degree) – GERTA approved general education courses are recommended to fulfill degree requirements.

Transfer guidelines, limitations, and program requirements may differ from college to college and from state to state. GERTA approved general education courses offer the best opportunity for seamless transfer and transition to another college/university. 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 students planning to transfer to another institution for further study should contact the college/university they plan to attend after leaving 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 to get catalog and program information specific to their interests and needs.


Stevens Hall, 105F
p. 701.774.4267
f. 701.774.4211
Williston State College Teton Mascot where the people make the difference